Saturday, 21 September 2019

Evil Has A Name - Podcast on Audible.

I, like many of us, am very interested in true crime, the psychology of it, methods used to apprehend perpetrators and justice being done. When a case goes unsolved for so long that this doesn't seem possible however, it is terrible.

Evil Has A Name is just such a tale, broken down into 14 podcasts it tells the story of years of cat and mouse style frustration by those involved in trying to catch the Golden State Killer, entire careers devoted to it, profiling, searching and attempting to connect many, many dots. It tells of how science progressed over the decades to facilitate new lines of enquiry, and how people from different branches of the criminal investigation worked together towards the same end.

Without giving anything away, I will say that I highly recommend this podcast, it certainly gripped me as I 'binge-listened' to it. Real people speaking of real events, often harrowing but always interesting.

Available on Audible, just my personal recommendation, I receive no perks for this post.

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